We find the proposed…

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We find the proposed policies adapted from both A Place to Grow and the Provincial Policy Statement to create a new planning instrument wholly objectionable and of very serious concern, for the following summarized reasons:

(1) This plan removes protections of the rural landscape of Ontario. The natural, rural environment must be truly protected from over-development -- and not with phony protection words which do not really stop over-development and in fact, directly and greatly encourage it! In the merger of the 2 original documents, specific wording protecting rural landscapes has been removed, along with the urgently needed requirement for comprehensive and bonafide environmental reviews of proposed expansions of settlement areas.

(2) We stand with multiple Ontario farming organizations in saying that prime agricultural land is NOT the place for allowing multiple severances for multiple dwellings on multiple lots! This is common sense, and it is shameful that the current provincial government is more than willing to give this treasure away to rampant development.

(3) We strongly object to the following costs being shifted onto local level of governance in Ontario:
* Watershed studies
* Wetland identification
* Indigenous Consultation
We believe that these requirements are universally important and need to be enshrined at the provincial level, because downloading them to townships and other local governments can create a patchwork of inconsistent policies and unfair practices from region to region across the province. This must be avoided at all costs.

And significantly, this proposal does not plan for providing any funding to municipalities to engage in the above consultations and studies. This demonstrates that the province does not really care about seeing those activities continue, with the required funding. "They" just want it off the plate!

(4) The proposal promotes the growth of inefficient, low-density housing instead of working and truly encouraging affordable housing -- the most important housing goal of our times, here in Ontario-- is ignored and dropped by this plan. Affordable housing means rental or ownership which is not worth more than 30% of personal income -- within a wide range of housing options. This plan moves the province backwards in this area of policy. The new proposal of housing which costs 80% of going market values is not even close to what is realistically required by low income citizens.

(5) No true consideration/assessment/analysis of the impact of climate change on the range of developments proposed. This cannot be ignored and swept under the rug, hoping that no one notices. It IS clearly noticed and we cannot believe that this government is not MUCH more concerned and taking the global environmental CRISIS seriously. This is all too clear from the tone and content of this plan. It is a shameful embarrassment -- other countries' governments are much more active and honest in taking steps to decrease unnecessary development at this time, and the Ontario government is taking steps in the opposite direction.

(6) We object to the removal of the habitat of species at risk from the definition of natural heritage features and areas! What gives?? We care a lot about the survival of those species, and really resent that this current government clearly does not. This point, among others, demonstrates the aforementioned lack of true concern for the natural environment and heritage, and the government's priority instead, for unbridled, over-development in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and by extension, to all other areas of the province.

For all these reasons, we fully object to this proposal and hope that receiving our comments, and the similar comments of many others across the province will give the government ample pause for thought and concern to wake up and protect the land, species, environment, bio-sphere, and people who reside here and who care deeply about our home here in Ontario. Please respond to our concerns!