I am deeply concerned with…

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I am deeply concerned with the new Provincial Planning Statement which proposes to replace the existing Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan).

We all agree that more housing is required for Ontario's growing population. Research has shown, though, that Ontario currently has enough designated land for housing to meet the province's needs to at least the year 2050 without jeopardizing Greenbelt lands, agricultural lands and conservation lands. Housing can be done using the current PPS and Growth Plan which require mandatory intensification and greenfield density targets. Doing so would prevent urban sprawl and protect farmland - much of it prime agricultural land - on which we all depend for our food.

In addition, doing so would protect natural areas and conservation areas - lands crucial to buffering the effects of climate change. We are in a climate crisis. One need only watch the daily news to see floods, forest fires, bad air quality, and climbing average daily temperatures to confirm this.

Ontario needs smart growth and sustainable, well-thought-out land use planning based on compact transit-friendly intensification in existing settlement areas.

Hands off the Greenbelt.
Hands off farmland.
Hands off conservation areas.