As a long standing property…

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As a long standing property owner in the area I am decidedly against the proposed housing development in the close proximity to the refinery and steel plant.We have insufficient roads and health care to accomodate a large influx of new residents and this will jeopardise the aforementioned continuing operations/jobs that the region needs.I was a long term resident of Hamilton and and fully aware of the issues eg. blowouts and that can cause coal dust on properties and respiratory concerns.The steel company built here to escape these exposures to large residential areas with the provinces blessing and approving the MZO will only benefit Empire not the region.The request for an MZO was passed by council when 1 seat was vacant{ to railroad it thru} and as the seat is now filled the request for an MZO should include the new members vote.Townsend has ample space to grow without affecting industry in place.Politics and council member self interest should not be deciding factors in approving an MZO and this reeks of things underhanded.Please view this as if you would want a steel plant and oil refinery in your own backyard and all the risks/ exposures/odors /transport traffik for your kids playing in the yard.