February 14, 2024 I am…


February 14, 2024
I am writing to express my opposition to the “application for an amendment to Environmental Compliance Approval No. A020401 for a 0.8-hectare waste processing site used for the storage, transfer, and processing of non-hazardous solid waste, located at 29831 Irish School Road in Dresden.” (from York1 Environmental Waste Solutions Ltd. as general partner for and on behalf of York1 Environmental Waste Solutions LP - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste) | Environmental Registry of Ontario.)
According to this proposal, ERO 019-8205, the landfill will be located 1 km from the town of Dresden. This will cause noise, traffic, and air pollution to the residents of Dresden and the local area and reduce home values.
The site will be increased from 0.8-hectare to 25 hectares, which is a significant increase from its original purpose. It will receive a total of 7,000 tonnes of waste per day, operating 24/7. It will have a capacity of 34,800 tonnes, including “asbestos-containing materials, tires, and soil.” There will be “mobile diesel-powered shredding/grinding equipment for wood/construction & demolition waste outdoors,” causing air and noise pollution.
This proposal is in contravention to Ontario's bill 197, which states in the new legislation " municipalities, within 3.5 km of a proposed dump have the right to approve or reject it."
This proposal is detrimental to the health and well-being of the residents of Dresden and area. I am urging you to express your opposition by phone, mail, or email, to:
Client Services and Permissions Branch
135 St Clair Ave West
1st Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1P5
416-314-9001 or 1-800-461-6290 enviropermissions@ontario.ca

Thank you for your attention to this matter.