This facility is located…


This facility is located just a smidge over 1KM from my back door
The possibility of this enterprise taking in garbage is very real in my opinion…..if you give them an inch they will take a mile. They say they are recycling however at a public town hall meeting they could not say they would never move to a landfill dump model.
1KM from town!
7,000 tones will be received each and every day 24 hours a day …..7 days a week ….1KM from town.
The unimaginable traffic of transport trucks all day and all night long will cause so much wear and tear on our roads, bridges and infrastructure.
The bridge in Dresden is the only one for residents to travel from one side of town to the other. If the increased constant pounding of transport trucks hauling 7,000 tones daily over it leads to damage to this 88 year old structure the drive time to get across the bridge would take approximately 15 minutes. That’s the closest bridge.
I worry that a facility like this would throw our local government to be in an increased position of road and bridge repair and maintenance. If allowed to proceed…..this enterprise (that we don’t want) would eventually cost the taxpayers in rate increases to cover the cost.
Having this proposal pass again our agreement and then making us pay for it….wow that’s adding insult to injury.
Please deny this application.