No to the dump!!! Please!!!…


No to the dump!!! Please!!!! If you want it so bad put it 1km away from where your children play. The new housing in Dresden will come to a standstill. No one is going to want to live here when there are so many other small towns without a garbage dump as a neighbour. The value of our homes will plummet. Our town will
eventually just slip away. Would you want to live beside a dump? How can you make that choice for us? A large company is made up of people, so it’s people that are making this decision to trash our town and financially cripple a small town not to mention making our lives miserable with the traffic and stench. We can’t afford to pay more in taxes to fix the roadways that the increase in traffic will bring. I just can’t understand how “ordinary people” want to ruin us when you don’t even know us.