How is it ok for a landfill…


How is it ok for a landfill/megadump to be within 1km of a town, schools, food processing plant and thousands of town residents? The Ontario Ministry of Environment states that
-Historical evidence in Ontario has shown that the maximum distance within which adverse effects could be experienced while a landfill is operating is up to 3 kilometres.
Mar 2, 2016 › page>d-4...
D-4 Land Use On or Near Landfills and Dumps - Government of
This is a huge red flag, the company is using a very old permit (approximately 40-60 years old) to get this site approved. The site has never been a full blown landfill, it was used to bury pot ash and as a waste wood disposal (which was shut down due to non-compliance).
This area is the home of Molly’s creek, it is beside the Sydenham River which floods the downtown area including homes at times. How is this safe?? The site will leach into the waterways and there is risk of exposure carcinogenic materials. They are planning to bury asbestos and grind things up which will cause risk of lung cancer to residents.
They want to run 24 hours daily, 7 days a week, the noise pollution alone is a risk factor for residents.
We deserve more care than this.
This facility should be located at a safe, respectful distance from any community.
The argument that this is a unique property because of the existence of very old permits that were for the town of Dresden waste, does not apply to the city of Toronto waste.
This company has been very sneaky and underhanded in the way they have approached this proposal. Residents only found out a couple weeks ago what their intentions are.
The municipality of Chatham-Kent has not been forthcoming about this proposal either, they have no regard for any of the small towns that were forced to amalgamate.
The residents of Dresden deserve to breathe clean air and not worry daily about whether they are going to get cancer or some other disease caused by lack of care for the people.
Worldwide it is agreed that 5km is a much safer distance from a landfill, not km