YORK1 plans to amend the…


YORK1 plans to amend the proposals to include regenerative recycling facility. They are NOT fooling anyone. The amount of farmland they have purchased from locals tells the truth.
The landfill specialist at their own information session stated that if they utilize all the land they have purchased so far, this will INDEED BE A MEGADUMP. They want the old area where ash was buried to be reopened and once it is open, it will be even easier to expand the landfill. This is Ridge landfill all over again.
This is less than 1km from town of Dresden. If this is passed, it sets precedent to open any little plot used for ash in Ontario. This is NOT OK. AMALGAMATION WAS FORCED on us and a clerical error was made during the transfer of records. There are other sites like this as well. This is cruel to try and reopen a small plot used for ash and start the beginnings of a MEGADUMP. We are not blind, nor stupid.
Regardless of how big it starts, the END GAME IS A MEGADUMP like their own expert admitted