As a resident of Dresden I…


As a resident of Dresden I am very concerned for the landfill that is being proposed 1km from town. Specifically, I am concerned about their proposal of the materials that they will be accepting. "addition of the following waste classes for accepted and processed waste: sorted blue box materials, source-separated organics, asbestos-containing materials, tires, and soil, soil-like materials and excess soil for beneficial reuse"

Organics is going to smell very badly! Likely within 5-6km this dump will stink, especially in the morning and evenings when the wind dies down. This is very concerning! Please do not allow them to accept materials that will cause significant stench produced by ammonia from these types of materials. This will without a doubt ruin our town. No one wants to live in a place that smells like rotten eggs. Please do not allow them to accept all of these materials and limit the ones that will destroy our livelihood here. We can work with York 1 and the Municipality to co-exist, but do not allow them to bring in materials that will cause things to smell with such a close proximity to town. This also has significant issues with health associated as well. Not just physical health but mental health as well!