Dresden is not responsible…


Dresden is not responsible for Toronto's lack of planning for garbage disposal nor should they bear all the risk of Toronto's garbage. This is a farming community with many tractors, wagons, harvesters, combines, and planters on roads. Adding many fast moving trucks during planting and harvest seasons is very dangerous to our farmers and locals. No dump should be placed a kilometre from the town centre, high school, and cemetery. The Sydenham River and Molly's Creek are both too close to proposed site and NO GUARANTEES can be made to protect the unique species that they contain. Community consultation and environmental assessments are a must and should have been done before this land was purchased. It seems to me that York1 believes this project is happening by their actions. Driving 200 miles and sending hundreds of trucks to Dresden per week is not ecologically sound. Traffic studies should have already been conducted as well to evaluate the already busy roads during farming season. No one wants to see a dump/berm at the entry to their town. York1 devalues surrounding properties when a dump/RRF moves in. It's all about the profit and the mighty dollar. London already takes Toronto's garbage now because Toronto didn't plan for it. It's a disgrace to waste prime farm land for Toronto's garbage in London area at Green Lane or in Dresden. Nuclear waste should not be buried in small town Teeswater Ontario either. Why should these unique little towns serve as the dumping grounds for city waste? This is unfair and people live in small towns for peace, quiet, nature, beautiful and productive farms, low traffic, and a nice hard working lifestyle. 401 is already far too busy and has too many trucks. We should not be hauling garbage on our already too busy highways nor should we be contributing more carbon emissions which is not environmentally responsible. Big cities should not be able to over-ride small communities and use them as their dumping grounds. Locals do not want York1 to bring garbage/recycling to our community for any reason. This dump needs to be rejected and NO APPROVALS SHOULD BE GRANTED TO YORK1. I AM STRONGLY AGAINST ANY DUMP/RECYCLING PLANT PROPOSALS IN DRESDEN. I do not understand why you have passed the stormwater management Environmental Compliance in Dresden. This was quietly passed on Nov. 30, 2023 before most locals knew about it. Had I known about it, I would have commented against it. I attended York1's meeting in Dresden on March 1st and was not happy with their lack of answers for this project. Their communication has been very poor and not at all upfront. The manner in which they quietly purchased this land and their lack of communication about the scope of this project with our Chatham-Kent Council and our community has been dishonest. This proposed dump/recycling project MUST BE DENIED. ONE KILOMETRE FROM THE ENTRANCE TO OUR BEAUTIFUL TOWN IS A RIDICULOUS PROPOSAL. MOE, please look carefully at this proposal and reject it for the many aforementioned reasons I have provided. This small town deserves better and big business should not be able to cause detriment to this beautiful small town for their profits. Please do the right thing and reject this proposal. Thank you.