To allow York1 to put a…


To allow York1 to put a recycling centre / dump 1 km outside of Dresden would be an environmental disaster. Molly’s Creek runs through the property, with drains into the Sydenham river then Lake St. Clair. New laws from the Ministry of Environment state that 3.5 km is the required distance. The Ministry of Environment also states, that anything under 3km may cause adverse effects. Our entire town will be within a 3km radius of this proposed facility.
They are doing their best to avoid environmental assessments. They are using a permit from 1979 that was issued by the town of Dresden to bury 95% fly ash on a small plot (approximately 2 acres was used) and are stating that they don’t have to have an environmental assessment to expand because it is an existing landfill. They are calling the area a landfill but it was not a landfill, the permission in 1979 given by the town of Dresden, was for fly ash only. It has been dormant over 30 years. The previous owner that sold this property to York1 used it to shred pallets and sell as mulch.
The permit was originally issued to the town of Dresden, which had a much smaller population in 1979. This permit was strictly for the waste from the town incinerator. This was never intended as a landfill or dump.

Next concern…… how can our roads handle the road traffic? I have heard 700 trucks a day, but that number seems impossible, so even it was 700 trucks a week, that’s still 100 transport trucks per day on our roads that are already in rough shape; how can they handle the weight and increase in traffic. The pollution factor of trucks running 7 days a week / 24 hours a day.
Is York1 being forced to do road studies? It needs to be an independent 3rd party study!
We also are a farming community, farm equipment frequents our community at a very slow pace causing traffic delays. Harvest and planting season can be chaotic on the roads.
We also have tiered bussing so our children are in busses on these roads for 4 hours daily, 10 months out of the year. This seems very irresponsible in my opinion. These types of facilities need to be in an area close to major highways like 401 to keep our communities and children safe from this type of traffic.

They are trying to reopen a long dormant plot that has fly ash. They want to dig it up and “move” it. The ash is safer left where it is undisturbed, in our communities opinion. What is the fall out of moving all that ash?

Leaching from the waste water will, without a doubt, make its way into the waterways causing harm to endangered species. No matter how well you think you can control ground water it is not possible when you get those once in 3 years flood type rains. We have 83 endangered species at risk in our area, this is a huge concern as well. The property is located in a flood plain which is of huge concern. People have water wells in this area. Can you guarantee that their well won’t be effected?

Next concern - Noise pollution With the plant so close to Dresden and the recycling of concrete with rebar, the destructive crushing of this material 7 days a week 24 hours a day this close to the town will have a negative impact on the quality of life for it's residence. Is there going to be asbestos in this construction material; will there be fine asbestos dust in the air of our community?
There are two schools within 1km of the YORK1 property and a third within 3km which the Ministry of the Environment states may cause adverse effects.

What about the smell! Again the town of Dresden and it's 3500 residents is too close for a dump taking in household waste. York1 is proposing a recycling plant for dirt and construction waste, yet they slip in the need for 25 tons of household waste per week. There is a reason why dumps are located in isolated locations and this is not isolated. If you doubt the smell just drive by the dump on the 401 just west of London.

Blackburn cemetery is .66km from the property and the Dresden cemetery is less than 1km.

Conagra is also a food processing facility in Dresden. Will this affect their business and force them and the jobs to leave our town?

Lastly the Property Values - York1 is promoting that the creation of 25 new jobs in the area will help the local economy, I think it is obvious to all that a dump located on the border of your town cannot help the local economy or the values of the residents. If this dump is located this close to Dresden then every home in Dresden will be negatively impacted and should be revalued by MPAC and have their taxes reduced which would have a negative impact on Chatham-Kent's tax base.

It seems obvious that York1 is trying to move very quickly to get this dump in before it became known to the local residents and the local politicians. They are trying to frame this as expanding an existing dump which couldn't be further from the truth.

Thank you for your time and I just ask you if you would want this facility 1 km from your house? Please help us fight this fight and say NO to York1 and the proposed dump near Dresden.