There are significant…


There are significant concerns and issues surrounding the proposed expansion of the YORK1 Regenerative Recycling Facility in the Town of Dresden, Ontario. As a resident and concerned citizen, I believe it is essential that our top government representatives and local officials are aware of the potential impacts of such a significant development on our community and environment.

The proposed expansion of the YORK1 facility, which includes a substantial increase in waste processing capacity and storage volumes, raises several concerns that must be addressed before any further action is taken.

Despite these proposed changes, numerous concerns have been expressed by us residents:

Infrastructure Strain: The town of Dresden lacks the necessary infrastructure to support the influx of trucks required to transport waste to and from the facility daily, which would strain our roads, bridges, and other essential services.

Noise Pollution: The increased activity at the facility would result in significant noise pollution, negatively impacting the quality of life for residents in the surrounding areas.

Environmental Impact: The proposed expansion poses a threat to the local ecosystem, particularly Molly's Creek, which is home to several endangered species. Any disturbance to this delicate environment could have serious consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem health. Additionally, the property is located in a floodplain, exacerbating environmental concerns.

Proximity to Sensitive Sites: The YORK1 property is located less than 1 km away from the town of Dresden, violating regulations that such facilities cannot be within 3 km of a town. This proximity to sensitive sites, including schools, cemeteries, and historical landmarks such as the Josiah Henson Museum of African Canadian History, raises concerns about potential adverse effects on these sites.

Impact on Food Processing: Conagra, a food processing facility in Dresden, may be negatively impacted by the presence of a megadump in the vicinity, posing risks to food safety and public health.

Furthermore, the presence of 83 endangered species at risk in our area underscores the need for a thorough consideration of the environmental impacts of the proposed expansion.

In March, Ontario's environment minister emphasized the necessity for a comprehensive assessment to address community concerns and mitigate potential impacts before the facility can open. The minister noted that the YORK1 facility is over 40 years old, predating Ontario's requirement for landfill environmental assessments.

Given these concerns and the regulatory violations, I urge the leaders to engage with relevant stakeholders to address these issues in a transparent and accountable manner. Additionally, since this site is less than a 1km away from the town of Dresden, this project cannot proceed and hence should be completely canceled and should not be approved under any circumstances!