All of the following points…


All of the following points are a greater concern to the Dresden community due to the fact that the proposed site would be in such close proximity to Dresden. The 40 yr Dormant closed down space zoned M2-365 proposed site is within 500 meters of the town, as well as 700m to the local high school and 2.5km to the local elementary school, that serve the town and the surrounding community. .

. Increased risk of flooding: Improper landfill management can worsen flooding along the Sydenham River by obstructing natural drainage pathways. Despite their appearance, rivers are heavily polluted due to run-off from urban, residential, and agricultural areas, carrying pollutants and invasive species. North American mussels are particularly at risk, with some species already extinct or disappearing from large areas. They rely on specific fish species during their larval stage, making them doubly vulnerable as both mussels and their fish hosts decline. Ongoing research aims to identify host fish for mussel conservation.

Contamination of agricultural land: A landfill situated close to a water source can have significant negative effects on nearby agricultural lands. The proximity of the proposed site to water sources such as the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek raises the risk of pollution through leachate, which can contaminate the soil and water sources used for irrigation. The presence of harmful chemicals and microorganisms in leachate can hinder plant growth, reduce crop yields, and affect the quality of agricultural produce. Additionally, if leachate enters the groundwater, it may result in prolonged contamination, posing long-term threats to agricultural productivity and food safety. Furthermore, the physical presence of the landfill can negatively impact the landscape, potentially leading to the loss of arable land and further exacerbating the challenges faced by nearby farmers.

Air pollution: Landfills contribute significantly to air pollution. The decomposition of organic waste produces methane and carbon dioxide; landfills also release volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants. Additionally, the operation of heavy machinery at landfills generates dust and particulate matter, worsening air quality.

Water contamination: Given the proposed site's adjacency to both the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek, the potential threat of leachate poses a significant concern for water contamination. Leachate, a toxic liquid formed as rainwater percolates through waste materials, could potentially infiltrate and compromise the local water supply. In particular, runoff from the landfill may seep into the groundwater, raising the risk of pollution in both the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek. This contamination could result in detrimental effects on water quality and disrupt the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems.

under bill 197 you need municipal consent, which you do not have, nor correct zoning. please kill this using bill 197