Please do an environmental…


Please do an environmental assessment, this proposed dump is too close to town, too close to the creek which flows into the Sydenham, too close to my home, the people of Dresden are very upset about this dump, the site was not used for garbage and the municipal bylaws are against a dump being this close to town, the property should have been rezone a long time ago. The town of Dresden does not approve, the municipal council of Chatham Kent does not approve. If you do more research you will see why this is a horrible idea. Arial views of the property already show they have destroyed the pond which were on site with endangered wildlife and a habitats for migrating birds, rare turtles and fish, my husband would spend time on this property very often before it was sold and he was shocked to find out they would be using a beautiful property with a wetland on it and pond and so close to the river for this type of waste project, this needs to be stopped. Thank-you for your time. Dresden is not just “the boonies” we are a town full of great people who have come together to say NO to this dump of waste and we are standing up for the waterways, beautiful nature and the future of our children and grandchildren in this town. York1 needs to go find a site that will not cause so much damage and not cause so many people to be in an uproar.