Peel Region staff agrees…

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Commenting on behalf of

Peel Region

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


Peel Region staff agrees with the addition of residential units near transit hubs and urban growth centres, as valuable in creating more housing.

Peel Region has attached a written response that highlights the need for local municipalities to inform applicants of necessary requirements for approval of connections to water and wastewater infrastructure, where these services are provided at the regional level, to avoid delays in the building permit process.

Areas that were originally designed for specific water and wastewater flow volumes may see added volumes as a result of population intensification from additional residential units. Where pipes may not be sized adequately to support new needs, this may increase the risk of inadequate water pressures and sewer backups into basements. For this reason, coordination between the local municipalities and region (water/wastewater system operator) will be required at the building permit stage, to allow a review of infrastructure adequacy.

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