Historically, legislation such as the 14 Acts that will be amended by Bill 66 were enacted in order to protect Ontario’s human population. Many people were appalled when the previous Liberal government amended 19 Acts in order to force through and impose the Green Energy Act O. Reg. 359/09. That decision has proven to be disastrous imperilling human health and the environment for the financial benefit of mostly foreign interests. The Conservative government promised this would not happen under your watch… but Bill 66 is much, much worse than anything the Liberal government enacted; especially with the proposed amendments to Section 39 of The Clean Water Act 2006 and Section 7 of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act.
Here is an example of what could, and likely will happen if Bill 66 is adopted.
The Province plans to sell off 243 surplus lands. One of those lands could be the 105.8 acre site of the decommissioned Millbrook correctional facility located on the Oak Ridges Moraine. Infrastructure Ontario acknowledges the land, as well as a watercourse, are contaminated with a cocktail of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). The land is adjacent to the aquifer that is the Millbrook municipal drinking water supply. The entire 105.8 acreage is located and governed under a Source Protection plan which Bill 66 will undermine. It is also acknowledged by Infrastructure Ontario that there already exists a possible threat to the municipal water supply by a plume of a specific VOC .
Under Bill 66, that acreage could be sold to a developer who promises 50 jobs. Under the implementation of the Toxic Reductions Act the developer could get the provincial go-ahead to develop in this off-limit sensitive area. The municipality being cash-strapped or influenced by a developer then will enact an OFB By-law and will not be required to give notice or hold a public meeting prior to enacting the by-law. The OFB cannot be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. That OFB would not need to conform to significant threat policies or have any regard to policies set out in a drinking water source protection plan.
Because of Bill 66, this will allow for development and further contamination on the already contaminated site on the Oak Ridges Moraine, and the municipal water supply becomes contaminated as do many private wells in the area. The aquifer that supplies the municipal drinking water supply is already under enormous increased pressure because of rampant massive residential development. Then what will the government do when another Walkerton unfolds costing billions of dollars – way more than the promise of ’50 jobs’ that are not guaranteed to be permanent? This is only one example, but this will be repeated over and over if the protective essence of Greenbelt and the Clean Water Act is scrapped. The Oak Ridges Moraine is under special protection because it supplies clean drinking water for over a quarter million residents.
What possible benefit is there in amending legislation meant to protect the populace of Ontario by undermining safety protocols and opening up protected areas for unpredictable, likely temporary employment especially if the province’s watersheds become subject to unfettered permanent degradation that will imperil human lives for decades?
Submitted December 28, 2018 11:06 AM
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Bill 66, Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018
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