Withdraw ERO 013-4265.
To get to this point, to make a submission, was a convoluted process and must be simplified.
This proposed regulation is the ANTITHESIS of everything the PC Party promised the people of Ontario during its 2018 election campaign. If approved it will FORCE rural people of Ontario to continue to “live” under the old Green Energy Act guidelines, the OLD outdated noise guidelines that even the previous Liberal government, Canada and the world recognized as being too high but chose to do nothing about. Historically (Lisa Thompson’s Private Member’s Bill, 2012, Sam Oosterhoff’s Private Member’s Bill, 2017, Leadership campaign, 2018, election campaign, 2018) and repeatedly during the Legislative discussion for the Repeal of the Green Energy Act Progressive Conservative MPP’s recognized the importance of returning democratic rights to rural Ontario and then allowed ERO 013-2465 to be posted. There is NO mention in the proposal of protecting the people; NO option of returning any rights to municipalities, NO mention or enforcing the updated noise guidelines; how will ERO 013-4265 protect people, animals, water and the environment? This proposal continues to put the “operational and in-process renewable energy projects” at risk with NO form of recourse. THIS IS WRONG! This regulation MUST be withdrawn.
Note: The residents of North Stormont have opposed and continue to oppose the Nation Rise Wind project since its beginning; the area has marginal wind, Leda clay, highly vulnerable aquifers, is on a major migratory bird path, did not meet ANY of IESO’s 4 basic rated criteria, municipality voted twice to be NON-willing hosts, petition signed and presented to the Ontario Legislature BUT under the Green Energy Act received a highly conditional approval 2 ½ days before the writ was dropped. Pre-construction Nation Rise Wind project should be cancelled as promised.
Technical concerns: very short response time, who is informing the people of Ontario of this proposed regulation? How do Ontarians learn of such proposed regulations? Total lack of democratic process.
Submitted January 10, 2019 8:29 AM
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New regulation under the Planning Act to prescribe transitional provisions for the Green Energy Repeal Act, 2018
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