Re: Section 5 : Wow the…

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Re: Section 5 : Wow the Toxics Reduction Act is confusing. The concept is good and I agree with the goals of reducing toxins to the environment. The province should create incentives for industry to reduce toxins for greener technology and provide CLEAR guidance on what is expected by industry. It would benefit us to know an inventory of toxins and byproducts that are created, recycled, destroyed, released, disposed, transferred off site or contained in a product. Labeling of toxins in a product should be mandatory. The destruction and disposal of PCB's seemed to work and may be a good example for those toxins that the government wants to phase out completely.
Re: Section 10: I believe that it is important to create good jobs in Ontario and would encourage all governments to seek healthy means to build our economy. I agree statutes should be streamlined and harmonized to simplify legislation. However, I do not believe that the Ontario government under Bill 66, Section 10, has adequately considered action which will protect the health of its citizens and the environment while attracting new jobs and investment to Ontario communities. What can be more important to the public interest than clean air, safe drinking water, healthy food and a stable climate? The environment and the economy must be given equal consideration to truly ensure a healthy community. Last time the Conservative government was “open for business” Ontario communities were put at serious health risks as evidenced by the Walkerton tragedy. Let’s not repeat that kind of scenario under your government's "open for business" legislation. Economic investment in our province is a priority, but not at the expense of the environment and health of its citizens.

I would appreciate if you could provide me a response to explain how Bill 66 S.10 will attract new economic investment in Ontario, regain our competitive advantage and strengthen enforcement action to protect our lakes, waterways and groundwater from pollution.

What is the real purpose of Bill 66 S. 10? It seems to be death of the Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt by 1000 cuts.

Bill 66 S. 10 exempts large-scale development from a number of Acts meant to protect the environment and health of Ontarians. These are the concerns I have if this Bill is adopted. I have identified the piece of legislation affected at the beginning of each bullet point:

• As you must know, under Bill 66 S. 10, a municipality may pass an open-for-business planning bylaw only if it has received approval to do so in writing by the Minister and if criteria as may be prescribed are satisfied. This seems like a piecemeal approach to large scale economic developments vs. a clear standardized approach for all. How will a level playing field be assured for competitiveness under this haphazard approach? I think municipalities will be pitted against each other and level playing fields will be "out the door" with potential backroom deals. Companies in one municipality will potentially have an unfair advantage over a company in another municipality.

• Planning Act: Through Official Plans and careful consideration, municipalities have already identified employment lands that may be developed. For example, currently Simcoe County’s development land has increased from 2341 hectares in 2010 to 2918 hectares. What is the purpose of allowing development outside of these areas?

• Planning Act: Bill 66 S.10 removes requirements for public notice, hearings, and appeals process as well as other planning requirements including but not limited to density, storm water management, natural heritage and water features protection, natural or man-made hazards, active transportation and elimination of the “holding” requirement. By allowing this, community interests are being ignored, timing for development is not considered to accommodate infrastructure and local municipal benefits cannot be acquired to offset non-compliance with height or density developments. By removing the required municipal and public consultation outlined by the Planning Act, feedback on developments by local experts is being terminated and effectively eliminates third party review. Public consultation provides the government with forward thinking strategies of complex issues such as the Parkway Belt West Plan created 1978 which designates and protects “land needed for linear regional infrastructure such as transit, utility and electric power facility corridors.”( Parkway Belt West Plan) Why is your government denying an appeals process for those with legitimate complaints and eliminating public consultation?

• Clean Water Act: By getting rid of “red tape” that allows large-scale economic development in source protection areas you are threatening our surface and groundwater resources which could negatively impact drinking water and aquatic organisms. The Clean Drinking Water Act was a result of the previous Conservative government’s cuts to government staff to accommodate the “open-for-business” approach. This led to Canada’ s worst-ever outbreak of E. coli and Campylobacter jejuni bacteria contamination, sickening more than 2,000 people and resulting in 7 deaths . Abandoned wells continue to be a potential source of contaminants to ground water. Protecting drinking water sources and aquatic biodiversity needs to be a collaborative effort between provincial and municipal governments, conservation authorities and the public. Clean drinking water should be a priority for all governments. What is your government doing to protect Ontario’s water resources and what steps are you taking to prevent risks to our drinking water?

• The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP) is a watershed based plan where, according to their website “the well-being of diverse life forms – fish, wildlife, plants and human beings are enhanced” and “where we protect our natural environment for future generations.” By adopting open for business policies long term environmental issues including the immediate threat of excessive phosphorus and emerging threats of invasive species, road salts, and climate change will be overlooked. This plan has improved Lake Simcoe water quality over time. Why is your government putting our water resources at risk?

• The Greenbelt Plan: If this Bill is approved you will put at risk 2 million acres of farmland and natural areas including specialty crops in the Niagara Region and the Holland Marsh. Under our changing climate, food resources may be put at risk. Why is your government threatening the small amount of arable land Ontario has?As Christine Elliott has pointed out (Dec 18, 2018) in disapproval, "For the past 15 years, the Liberal government has carved into the Greenbelt over 17 times.." I hope your government will not allow further carving of the greenbelt.

• The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act: The moraine supplies drinking water for over 200,000 residents, feeds into 65 river systems, cleans the air, keeps natural habitats intact, supports species at risk, fights climate change, and provides an opportunity for people to get closer to nature. ORM protections reduce contaminants entering critical groundwater sources, maintain forests which control flooding as well as erosion and also preserve agricultural lands providing local foods. By overlooking the protections provided by this Act, the government overlooks the vital role the moraine plays on the health of the communities that rely on it. Again, why is your government intent on threatening the environment and health and well-being of Ontario citizens? The previous Conservative government made serious mistakes by not adequately reviewing the programs it was slashing. Please consider the ramifications of your actions.

I hope your government will review and consider the commitments identified under the original Places to Grow Act 2005 preamble:
“The Government of Ontario recognizes that in order to accommodate future population growth, support economic prosperity and achieve a high quality of life for all Ontarians, planning must occur in a rational and strategic way.
The Government of Ontario recognizes that building complete and strong communities, making efficient use of existing infrastructure and preserving natural and agricultural resources will contribute to maximizing the benefits, and minimizing the costs, of growth.
The Government of Ontario recognizes that identifying where and how growth should occur will support improved global competitiveness, sustain the natural environment and provide clarity for the purpose of determining priority of infrastructure investments.
The Government of Ontario recognizes that an integrated and co-ordinated approach to making decisions about growth across all levels of government will contribute to maximizing the value of public investments.”

These values need to be strengthened with clear guidance for developers as opposed to eliminating statutes which protect the environment and health and safety of its citizens. We are at a tipping point in the evolution of our planet. No longer is dilution the solution to pollution. CO2 is at the highest level it's been for over 10,000 years, global temperatures are at a record high, pharmaceuticals such as beta blockers, estrogen and antipsychotics are in our lakes and rivers and we are eating pesticides and herbicides in our food supply. The decisions we make today will have significant impact on our children. I hope you have their best interests at heart.