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I am writing to state my strong opposition to Schedule 10 of Bill 66. Under Schedule 10, municipalities can pass "Open for Business" planning by-laws aimed at attracting new major development. These bylaws are exempt from public notice, comment and appeal provisions in the Planning Act. Additionally, these bylaws are automatically exempt from key environmental protection laws, plans and policies, including the Clean Water Act, the Greenbelt Act, the Great Lakes Protection Act, the Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act, and several more.

Please note that both provincial and municipal data show that there is more than enough land designated for development within existing cities and towns to accommodate the expected population growth until 2041. Data also shows there is a surplus of land for new businesses and we should be encouraging investment in these areas. By building within our existing towns and cities throughout the Greater Golden Horseshoe we can increase the supply of affordable housing and jobs in our existing serviced communities while holding firm on urban boundaries.

We need to protect our farmland as it supplies local food and enhances food security at a time when prices are rising and supplies from other countries are increasingly threatened. I know firsthand that farming is economically important and provides jobs to thousands. Sprawl onto farmland destroys farm businesses and farm communities.

We do not need to open up areas that have been protected for the safety of our drinking water. Water is essential to human survival and opening protected areas to development threatens our long term health. It also increases flood risks.

Natural areas provide habitat for wildlife, sequester carbon and mitigate climate change, provide recreation and clean our air. These areas are essential and should not be imperiled.

Please remove Schedule 10 from Bill 66.