Comments on Proposed 2020 changes
Reducing the calf harvest will have little impact in reversing the moose population issue, but if this allows the government to move on to effect changes to other influences affecting the moose population like poor forestry, uncontrolled native harvest, excessive predation by uncontrolled predators, and highway and railway mortality among others, I can accept a complete loss of calf hunting. The only exception will be to harvest a calf that was orphaned by the lawful harvest of a cow moose
But the loss of calf hunting MUST be province wide. There is NO confidence in MNRF biologists to have any idea of what the population is doing with no regular aerial surveys and an unproven mandatory kill registration system. Calf hunting is NOT allowed in most if not all other moose jurisdictions so why continue to allow it here?
Concern that government wants to be seen as doing something by taking low hanging fruit they know will not work....then come back at hunters for more concessions. "Death of moose hunting and hunters by 1000 cuts"!
Proposed 2021
New are still allowing calf tags when no-one else does.
Changing moose licence....what are the costs to the hunter?The review participants did NOT buy into these changes without a cost analysis. Unless there is NO additional costs for these changes. It does not appear here nor was it stated in the review documents. If a moose lic now costs $200, what bureaucratic idiot would think there would be no negative impact as iterated in the impact statement for these changes at the end. Does this mean no price change? OK then
Preference point system....while proposal appears too have merit, it will be an administrative nightmare..... more complicated than a 2 pool system that seems to get screwed up frequently. No costs associated with this proposal . if application fee for tag and licence fee exceed current costs other than marginally (how much is that????) why would BGMAC think hunters would accept this substantial change.
Good idea to get rid of non res landowners and relatives in tag draw. they can party hunt or go to an outfitter.
I must reiterate in hopes that someone may recognize that moose hunters alone will not reverse the moose decline. You MUST speak to the other influences of a moose population.
Submitted September 26, 2019 4:31 PM
Comment on
Improvements to moose management as part of the Moose Management Review
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