Please make the spring bear…

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Please make the spring bear hunt reinstation permanent. There are many benefits including but not limited to the ones I'm going to list.

1. Population Management

Nursing sows and Cubs cannot be harvested which means mainly males will be. This allows the cubs a better chance of survival as the males prey on them and out compete for food.

2. Human and Bear Conflicts

Harvesting a portion of the population after hibernation means that there will be less bears competing for natural food sources therefore less bears hanging around towns and people's yards. The males that are sought after by hunters and trappers are the most likely to do this as they're the most aggressive.

3. Reduced use of taxpayer money

Harvesting potential nuisance bears before they cause an issue saves money for police and MNRF being called to a scene as well as relocation costs and costs related to educating the public on dealing with bears.

4. Revenue

An additional season means more tags purchased. Along with that means more more spent on hunting gear, groceries for trips, butcher fees to get the animal processed and royaly fees on hides that are sold through an auction house.

5. Employment

There are many outfitters and guides provide people with the experience of bear hunting and charge for their service. This may be a significant portion of their income