I think the Spring Bear Hunt…

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I think the Spring Bear Hunt should be cancelled. It is cruel and barbaric. You say that the killing of mothers with cubs is prohibited but nursing sows are killed during the spring hunt. We live in an area at the edge of the Queen Elizabeth II provincial park. There are a lot of hunters around. Many have no respect for the animals or the land. Last year we talked to one guy that said he had heard there was a mother bear with cubs that had been seen on our road, and that’s what he was after. Disgusting. Also, mother bears leave their cubs sometimes to go get food. They can be shot then, with no cubs in sight and the cubs are left to starve. This is why bating should be illegal. Orphan cubs are being found and brought to wildlife rescues after their mothers have been shot. Numbers have increased since the spring hunts. The mothers are being shot. God knows how many cubs are not found and left to such a cruel and horrible fate; starving to death. Why not just continue with the fall hunt? Is that not enough? And why are you trying to make the season so long? It’s just not right. You should be protecting these beautiful animals. Also one last point, using dogs to hunt bears is barbaric. This should have been banned years ago. How anyone can think this is ok is being me! This 2020, not 1920. Using dogs in spring is also another reason for a sow to become separated from her cubs, again allowing for her to be killed and cubs orphaned. You need to reconsider the spring hunt.