I am a young adult residing…

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I am a young adult residing in NB, I believe the killing of animals as a form of tourism diagusting and barbaric. Animals of all kinds have lives equals to ours. There was a reason for the inital ban on killing the bears. Why change that now. Yes theyre healthier than then, but why does that give humans the right to murder them. Humans are in healthy population but we dont kill eachother off.

I and many more have zero intrest in hunting and let alone hunting bears. Hunting is becomming an outdated sport, one to eventually die along with the baby boomers.

If there are bear concerns in human areas, its because humans stole their land and put garbage there for them. You shouls not be killing them because of humans own mistakes. The best we can do is relocate the bears if need be, there should never be reasons to kill an animal just because it exsists in your space.

We live in an age of modernity. Where hunting for sport (tourism) should be banned and those commiting procescuted. Be a province that lives by example and protects our beautiful canadian wildlife.