The indiscriminate shooting…

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The indiscriminate shooting of black bears immediately after they emerge from hibernation is really cruel and disgusting. This has to stop!
Even though this proposal prohibits the killing of mother bears with their young cubs, there is no way to effectively protect them while striving to kill other bears, and the Ontario government has not said how this will be monitored.
The spring bear hunt will again result in orphaning of young cubs, unnecessary suffering and will impact Ontario's ecosystem in unimaginable ways.
Sport hunters bait hungry bears with junk food, thus habituating them to human food. Then people complain because they become nuisance bears. In June 2013, the Ontario government dismantled the Bear Wise Program which was specifically set up to address human/bear encounters.
And the Ontario government has neglected to ensure that the animals have space to roam without disturbance by failing to protect Ontario's northern forests, the black bear's natural habitat.