There is no good reason to…

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There is no good reason to reinstate the spring bear hunt, but there are solid reasons not to.
First, you say: "Ontario is home to a healthy black bear population that contributes to the province’s biodiversity and provides social and economic benefits to Ontarians. " if its healthy why change it. its not our place to change it. there is no evidence that hunting will regulate the population, if anything it will make it worse.
Second: why are we letting hunters get their way? they are cruel and barbaric. Leave the bears alone. this benefits no one. and why are tourists wanting to hunt and why should we be allowing non-residents to hunt on our territory. Bear tourism and the killing of animals by baiting isn’t hunting. It requires few hunting skills and little effort.
Third: they is no guarantee that hunters won't hunt the females. this is the season the cubs are born, why risk killing them and their mothers, this is unnecessary and wrong. And then what about the poor orphaned cubs. Why do we treat animals this way!!
Fourth: the spring hunt did not and will not reduce human-bear conflicts. I don't even see how this makes any sense. Like all wildlife people need to learn how to live and coexist in peace with all animals. Proper education is necessary. Killing them and their habitat doesn't help, it makes it worse.
Please stop these awful barbaric hunt and save the bears. this is not a way to save them.
do not let the hunters win.