Please reconsider this…

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Please reconsider this proposal.

1. The economical argument is weak. Revenue for this type of work is in decline.I find it difficult to understand what kind of person really wants to kill a mother bear leaving her cubs to starve. Reproduction for this species is not easy. For those who make a living guiding foreigners to kill I would ask you to catch up to the times and realize that this is a marginal cottage industry you will endanger the species why not take peole to observe animals not kill them. We are not in a 3rd world country
this is Canada!

2 As for difficult human- bear encounters. Is it not common sense to learn about the animals we may encounter around us and how to behave in their presence if we venture out of urban areas?

This is cruel and morally wrong. Please I beg you to reconsider.

an Ontario Naturalist