The spring bear hunt needs…

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The spring bear hunt needs to continue as a control for black bears. Last time it was cancelled the population went out of control and impacted the moose and deer population. Bear baits are a source of food for bears in early spring and they will never be all shot from hunting. Sow bears are smarter than the people claiming that the hunt causes orphan cubs as sows will not take the cubs to a bear bait where the male bears are for fear of the males killing them. The biggest predator on bear cubs and sows are male bears. I have guided bear hunters for 15 years and hunted bear for over 30 years and saw a sow with a cub at a bear bait once. There is more bears orphaned by vehicles than hunting. If the hunt is stopped the poaching will go up and at that point people are shooting bears everywhere. Keep the hunt going and that keeps the bears in the bush and off the roads.