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This proposal and the idea of an annual hunt is absolutely disgusting. I was very happy to return to Ontario after living in the United States (NYC / NJ area) for 14 years. I am dismayed by the number of gun incidents and crimes that are now rampant in the GTA and Ontario, caused by illegal gun ownership and the ''loosening" of gun restrictions and attitudes. The appalling attitude of Americans towards guns, hunting, and everything related to guns is one of the reasons I left there. It is very sad to see Canada moving downhill in that direction. The majority of Canadians abhore hunting and everything that goes along with it, as they are more interested in helping the environment rather than feeling it is their right to plunder everything in sight.

An issue that I became aware of when living in the USA, is the Annual Bear Hunt in the state of New Jersey. Although I am not interested in hunting or part of that culture, I became very aware of the issue due to the large number of protests, demonstrations and lawsuits launched every year in the attempt to remove the hunt. It had also become a platform for politicians as they promised to do something about removing the hunt should they be elected. Ontario will be on the receiving end of similar protests, demonstrations and the like should this move forward. I envision they would be somewhat like the protests currently taking place that are shutting down train travel. You are welcoming and encouraging these types of protests annually should you move forward.