I am writing to oppose these…


I am writing to oppose these proposed changes to the Planning Act. The powers given to the provincial government through these amendments are too far-reaching, and lack accountability to ensure that the government is acting in good faith. The municipal planning process ensures that the public's voices are heard, that any negative environmental or social impacts are mitigated, and that the city is gaining more than it's losing through development. Overriding this process entirely through a minister's zoning order opens the door to negative land-use planning choices made without accountability or proper review, whose consequences will be felt for generations. There are many alternatives to speeding up bureaucracy or "cutting red tape" that do not involve bypassing the system entirely. The system is in place for a reason, and the local governments are in the best position to determine how their land is used. The province is overstepping their boundaries here, and needs to leave municipal planning to the local governments. Certainly recent actions by the Province and the overuse of MZOs by the current administration have eroded the public's trust that the provincial authorities are acting in good faith or even concerned at all with the impacts of their decisions on the local populace. This is extremely concerning, and these amendments should not be passed.