Humans appear to be in a…

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Humans appear to be in a suicidal war with Nature. Water is a requirement for all life forms. Giving it to an American company to bottle in garbage is nonsense at best and self destructive, for sure.

The Grand River watershed is fragile, droughts have been common and this has been a very dry spring. Climate change projections point to extreme storms with rain falling so fast that it runs off and does not go to ground water. this rainwater can take decades to become groundwater available for drinking water. Many communities along the Grand depend on the river or entirely on groundwater.

Many farmers may not have enough water for crops this year. Parts of North America are in a megadrought now.

Ontario only protects 11.1 per cent of its land, and does not value its water if our government would hand over our precious water to a foreign company.

No permit ought to be granted but, if one were to be, a ten year permit is far too long given the many uncertainties with our drinking water supplies. There are too many unknowns with the aquifers that hold our very valuable and non replaceable water.

This bottling business taking the water is a special form of madness that we must curtail. Please do not grant these remewal permits or, at least, reduce the term of the permits.