We now know that every drop…

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We now know that every drop of water is precious. Renewing a destructive, consumptive permit to take water to give that water for bottling in plastic is self destructive. A ten year term for such a bad deal is ridiculous.

We need to be conserving this water for drinking water, agriculture and the environment. Putting it in plastic to have it trucked throughout our vast country is the lowest possible use and an insult both to the water and the intelligence of our citizens.

We do not know how much water is held in these aquifers and yet many communities rely on that water for survival. We are writing cheques without knowing the balance in the account.

There are no good contingencies if this water fails as so many other aquifers in the world have done. We see the results of that from Yemen to the American Midwest and California.

As our appointed stewards of the environment and conservation, please act with these
responsibilities in mind and deny the permits for any term. Certainly not ten years.