Prince Edward County's South…


Prince Edward County's South Shore is nothing short of remarkable. Not only is it internationally recognized as part of a major migratory bird corridor, it is home to more than 41 species at risk. A new conservation reserve will ensure these incredible rare, fragile and essentially untouched lands are preserved for future generations to enjoy.

I've made Prince Edward County my home and the South Shore is by far one of its greatest assets. Watching birds and monarch butterflies every spring and fall migrate across my property never ceases to amaze me. The County's South Shore is an essential resting stop and it is astounding to see flocks intuitively using this corridor to safely cross one of the narrowest sections of Lake Ontario year after year.

In light of development pressures, climate change and other looming threats, protecting Point Petre Provincial Wildlife Area, Ostrander Point Crown Lands and all South Shore publicly owned areas would be an incredible environmental milestone and legacy for not just the County but the entire province of Ontario. I strongly support the proposal to create a new South Shore Conservation Reserve as soon as possible.