I don’t agree with this plan…

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I don’t agree with this plan and I think it is bad for Ontario and Canada for a number of reasons.

1)There is limited green space in Southern Ontario already. For the number of people who enjoy using it, any further development of the green belt will further concentrate use and lead to degradation from overuse.

2) Urban sprawl is the least environmentally friendly or efficient way to use our space. We should look to increase density to leverage existing infrastructure.

3) There will be no improvement of housing affordability using this plan. Developers are not looking to reduce the cost of single dwelling homes and it is their goal to make as much profit as possible off of their developments. They aren’t building affordable homes. They are looking to cash in.

4) Conservation authorities and municipalities must retain their ability to perform environmental assessments and reject irresponsible development. Giving developers carte Blanche to build wherever they want is frankly, absurd.

These are but a few of the many arguments about this dangerous, reckless and foolhardy plan. This benefits the very few who are already wealthy at a great cost to the public.