I am commenting on my own…


I am commenting on my own personal issue against the York1’s plan. Not only to build a landfill project in this area but to devastate our entire community and beyond. Their plan to use Molly’s Creek as a vehicle to rid itself of unwanted runoff water could potentially impact my property and my water source.

For the 50 years we have lived here, Molly’s Creek has flooded my property during spring thaw and heavy rains as happened last summer. When flooding my backyard from 1/3 to 1/2 way up the yard across the entire width of my property. Under the deepest part there are four springs. It is not unusual for flooding to flow up to the stand pipe over my water well, seeping into the ground until the water recedes 2 to 3 days. Evidence of flooding left hind takes a few days of clean up. No big deal, that’s nature. My issue….should the creek become contaminated my water source grass and vegetation would potentially be compromised on it’s way to the Sydenham River.

Adding insult to injury….trucks loaded with garbage would be rumbling passed my house, ratting my windows on their way to the landfill which is planned 1km across the farm in front of my house. This is causing great stress to me already, this has been our family’s home for 50 years, across from the family farm. For a multitude of reasons this is not welcome in our community. I will let others voice the many other reasons. Thank you for allowing us to speak.