As long time faithful…


As long time faithful supporters and neighbors of the beautiful and historic town of DRESDEN ONTARIO, we stand with its hard working citizens, business owners, and children above all. That being said, we REJECT the proposals of "York 1", and its obvious agenda for many reasons:

1- Environmental destruction of our streams, rivers and waterways, due to the proximity of the proposed "recycling plant" to our community. The destruction of our wildlife, fish/aquatic species is inevitable, and will be undeniably and eventually due to toxic waste which will be created by "York 1." Why was there allegedly a gag order on environmental studies in this area?

2- Traffic, noise, infrastructure and safety disruptions:

The children of DRESDEN ONTARIO, as well as its citizens travelling to and from work/school will be at risk due to the proposed influx of a fleet of huge and unwelcome GARBAGE trucks, round the clock (24/7), thereby unjustly changing the daily lives, routines and CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of Dresden citizens and their families.

3- Under the CONSTITUTION, all Canadians are entitled to their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS regardless of who is in "power." Hopefully the lesser elected officials, such as the mayor of Dresden/Area will fight for the citizens of DRESDEN ONTARIO, as was his SWORN duty to the folks who elected him. We'll see. Make no mistake, money, power, collusion, pressure, and in some cases greed, will tell the tale. We are all watching, do the right thing by the town who elected you.

Fight for DRESDEN ONTARIO, and the people will be behind you. Will your character prevail? We have faith that you will stand up for your principals, and the words you spoke that elected you. We hope that your word will remain your word, the mark of a man.

4- STAND UP DRESDEN! Support your community if you care. Corruption in this world today is sadly a given. Just remember that hard working people like us are the reason that ALL folks receive their goods, services and supplies. It has always been this way. Rise above the smoke and mirrors of "politics" and listen to what your heart knows is true. You'll feel so much better when you realize this, and together we will prevail.