-noise pollution concerns …


-noise pollution concerns
-air pollution concerns, sure there are pits on this road now but most are non operational or have very minimal periodic use, will we have air quality testing done before and after to ensure no harmful changes?
-well water contamination concerns
-where are they getting water from to wash their soil, where will the recycled water go or be stored? how and where?
-overall health concerns as a result of contaminated soil
-what exact contaminated soils will be brought in because some of the soils on their site appear hazardous
-what are the risks involved with each type of contaminated soil
-property values
-destruction of roads with this truck traffic volume, road conditions will lead to destruction of our private vehicles (already had a blown tire on this road that noone took responsibility for)
-volume of traffic
-safety of walking and cycling, walking dogs, kids playing on road, kids riding bikes, there's horses being riden up and down this road
-wildlife concerns, we constantly have deer in our back yard most nights and live less than a km from this proposed site, we also have turkeys, moose, bears, foxes, racoons and beavers, geese and ducks in our pond, and many birds, if the contaminated soil is roofed and on a hard surface what danger is that posing to our wildlife if there's no walls, or will this structure have confined walls? or as the soil is tracked by trucks up and down the drive and roadway will our wildlife be subjected to that or will the roads be swept frequently? What danger does this pose to frogs and turtles?
-safety of passing vehicles that will be on the road waiting to turn in as there is no turn lane into the property and no space to build a turn lane to allow for cars to safely pass potential convoys of trucks that are lined up to enter
-what impact will this have on ponds and creeks in the area, what about the water flow into muskoka lake
-quality of life with the constant sound and air
-peace and quiet on weekends
-will taxes go up to support the road work needed to maintain this road
-with constant trucks and material being brought in and out will any contaminated soils be brought back out onto the roadways when the trucks are coming and going? Will the company be doing road sweeping to ensure the road is safe for pedestrians, cyclists and pets? What about motorcycles, this is a paved road and dust and dirt will cause dangers.
-as you can see from the petitions and all the uproar this has caused in our residential community we are opposed to this, what will happen down the road if we want to sell or refinance, who will want to buy a home this close to a contaminated soil plant?
-terranevo talks about hazardous soils on their site, is this just a stepping stone before they ask for a hazardous license?
-they are brand new company, how much experience do they have in running this facility
-they are currently blasting with no air horns, ministry of labor and MNRF have been called, but are these shortcuts being taken now a sign of things to come as they continue to build?
-will there be well water testing before and at various points to ensure no issues
-who will be responsible in the event that water quality does change or become contaminated?
-who will be responsible for paying for water testing and any remediation if water quality does become impacted
-what will communication to residents be if there is ever a spill or error, because clearly there was zero communication from anyone regarding this proposal as we learned of this 4 days before comment period ended.
-the township which is responsible for traffic, roads etc refuses to hold any meetings or speak to the public to calm concerns as this is an Ontario ministry jurisdiction, so before you pass this and leave the town to work through traffic issues please take all concerns into careful consideration as the township denies any knowledge of what this company is doing or will do as they are zoned to allow this and there needs to be no public notification or consideration