Please help save Dresden and…


Please help save Dresden and demand a full environmental assessment. I know bill 197 only applies to new landfills, but how can re-opening a dormant landfill, moving it to a new location on the property closer to the water and accepting vastly more and different materials not be considered a new landfill?! This poses so many risks and needs to be shut down. Clearly the 3.5 kilometres was put into effect for a reason and I think it should still apply. This is less than 1 kilometres from our entire town and we will have to live with the repercussions of this. How can we as a host municipality have no say in the matter? That sounds criminal to me. I truly cannot wrap my head around it. There is not one person in Dresden or the surrounding communities who want this landfill, nor do our farmers, school boards, businesses, mayor, council or political candidates. Even Doug Ford commented and said if the people don’t want it we don’t do it, it is beyond evidently clear that we do not want this!!!!! How could anyone ever enjoy their lives and town again with constant worry about our water, air and soil being contaminated or developing cancers or other respiratory illnesses down the road. Please help us, we know better now and we should do better.