The proposed facility is…


The proposed facility is extremely close to the town of Dresden, less than 1km away and the whole town is within 3.5km away from the facility. York1 has stated that they heard the concerns of the Dresden residents but in reality it has fallen on deaf ears, WE DO NOT WANT this facility in our town! No matter what assessments are made or reassurances made by York1 stating that their facility will benefit our community are 100% false! We under no circumstance want this facility operating in our community, the impacts that this facility will have on our town are significant and will change how are town functions and operates. This will impact not only our landscape but will have a negative effect on our health, environment, infrastructure, property values, economy etc. our town is small, the amount of trucks that will go in and out of this facility that is proposing 2.5million tonnes of waste is significant, we are not near any major highway. The air quality will be affected with not only the amount of trucks driving through town but also with the facility operating. Noise and air quality will affect all residents of Dresden especially since this facility plans on operating 24/7. This facility is better suited in an area that is no where near almost 3,000 residents! We should project our waterways and the ministry of environment should automatically deny this proposal from going any further. Mollys Creek surrounds this property and this creek feeds into the Sydenham river, which runs into the St. Clair river. Is our waterways not worth protecting? Endangered species live in these waterways as well and it is the duty of the ministry of environment to protect them. If we continue to destroy our endangered species and waterways the future generations will suffer the consequences, thus this facility should not under no circumstance operate and open in Dresden. Our infrastructure can not handle the amount of traffic that will increase in our town and unfortunately since these roads are rural roads the repairs will land on the taxpayers of Chatham-Kent. If York1 is in favour of helping the environment they would find a property that is closer to the Toronto area! The impacts on air, waterways, human health, natural habitats, infrastructure, economic loss for our area, property values is substantial and will have a negative effect. This is not a good fit for a small quiet town such as Dresden Ontario, there are other areas in Ontario that are better suited for the needs of York1.