I wish to inform you that…


I wish to inform you that all proposals to "reopen" a proposed land fill neat Dresden by York1 should be
denied. You should realize that this site was used by the Town of Dresden as location to place ashes from the town garbage incinerator. The incinerator was used to replace an old location on the banks of the Sydenham River where town garbage was buried. This was done at the recommendation of Ontario. After a short period of time, Ontario did not like even the ashes from the incinerator placed near the river, so Ontario suggested that Dresden truck the ashes to a former location that Dresden owned where clay was dug to make clay tile. In those times, both Dresden and Ontario thought this was an acceptable solution for the ashes. I will admit that if the incinerator was not operational, then the garbage truck took the garbage directly to the ash dump location. This was only done by exception and was not a weekly occurrence.
So, the Proposed site was NOT intended as a "dump" for anything other than ashes. There was never ANY environmental consideration at that time by Dresden OR Ontario, since what was done back then (about 50 years ago) was considered acceptable by Dresden and Ontario based on common practice at that time.
Any and ALL new activity at this location/site should be considered in the same way as if it was new and starting from scratch. I assume that this site would NOT meet ANY characteristics that are desirable for a recycle plant and landfill/dump if we wish to have a modern location what represents MINIMAL risks to human health and the local environment in the nearby area.
My concerns are as follows:
1 The site location is far too close (between 300 meters and one kilometer) to several thousand people. These neighbors should not need to endure ANY negative effects from the site.
2 Leachate could not be contained properly on site since the location is in the flood plain of the Sydenham River.
3 Landfill type pollution in many forms including odors, wind born items or articles, sound pollution, light pollution, traffic pollution, noxious/dangerous/poisonous gases would negatively affect nearby neighbors.
4 Wildlife in the area would be negatively affected in the area.
5 Other nearby "dump" and recycle locations appear to have done a dismal job of containing leachate and ground water protection and have failed to control odors and smells found to be offensive by those living nearby.
6 Aquatic species would decline by ANY runoff from this proposed site. The Sydenham River has many unique species which are already endangered and is a spawning river for important and sought after fish, including pickerel/walleye and sauger.
7 Historically, persons responsible for ensuring discharge water quality from industrial settings have an old saying that "dilution in the solution", meaning if you add enough water, the parts per million becomes low enough to discharge anything straight to water courses and streams.
8 Ontario guidelines for recycle and landfill/dump operations appear decent until I read about alternate or contingency plans for release of storm water and leachate in the event of an "upset" in operations which could mean anything unforeseen or unplanned.

My bottom line is that this as a very bad idea for the health of Chatham Kent, the town of Dresden, the thousands of people who live nearby, and fish, wildlife and birds that live in the area.