I support all business entry…


I support all business entry into the CK area provided that the business will create quality, full time, gainful employment opportunities to residents, bring innovative technologies to our area, and are an environmental and economic benefit to the region. Given the type of business, should it go forward, I would ask that the province ensure that the full slate of environmental assessments and protections, and heavy conservation rules are put in place at the business' expense, especially given its proximity to a ecologically sensitive waterway and the rural surroundings. I would also hope that the municipality is permitted to collect SIGNIFICANT development charges to maintain roads and infrastructure that will be enormously pressed under the proposed uses (even if the development doesn't include any buildings or contemplate any built infrastructure as a dump site).
Already the trip to Chatham-Kent and Dresden by road is fraught with challenges as the most heavily travelled route on the way to the US border crossings at Sarnia and Windsor, lack of median barriers on the 401, and roadways that accept only two way traffic where collisions occur regularly - therefore making this a less than ideal location considering the additional heavy truck traffic that this would bring to the area. I would hope that traffic studies and that the study of the impact of this additional truck traffic on roads not built for that type of use are underway and will be considered prior to putting the additional burden on our area roads.
Furthermore, I think it behooves York1 to consider partnerships with already existing recycling, and waste management firms to determine if this "construction recycling" material can be dealt with at a facility that is already well prepared to handle it and be accountable for its environmentally safe processing. This is obviously a venture that will generate revenue and profit for York1, else they wouldn't be doing it, so an earnest strategic effort to spread the work around to facilities already designed to handle this waste would benefit all parties.