1. Are there specific zoning by-law barriers standards or requirements that frustrate the development of ARUs (e.g., maximum building height, minimum lot size, side and rear lot setbacks, lot coverage, maximum number of bedrooms permitted per lot, and angular plane requirements, etc.)?
Yes. All of the above pose barriers to Additional Residential Unit construction in Rural Settlement Areas. However, outside of Rural Settlement Areas, on Rural Lands, some of these considerations are a valid means of retaining rural character.
2. Are there any other changes that would help support development of ARUs?
Yes. The financial requirements imposed by rural municipalities on private communal septic and water systems (for letters of credit equal to the value of the system that has just been installed) to protect municipalities from liability, hampers the use of communal septic and water systems. The province could do more with its grants for municipal water systems and wastewater systems to support rural municipalities to allow private communal systems.
The Frontenac County Municipal Services Corporation ( a utility) model should be replicated across rural Ontario to achieve clustered growth to revitalize hamlets and prevent sprawl.
Submitted May 10, 2024 3:19 PM
Comment on
Proposed Regulatory Changes under the Planning Act Relating to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185): Removing Barriers for Additional Residential Units
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