A concern remains with the inability to specify minimum parking or maximum lot coverage for lots in some rural and small urban municipalities in Ontario such as our Township. The township has been embracing of allowing for ADUs having brought general zoning provisions into effect in 2016 that allowed for secondary dwelling units including detached coach houses in both urban fully serviced lots and rural lots on private services (subject to minimum lot area to accommodate septic systems and wells). The ADUs in serviced areas as a right with reduced ability to provide some parameters is problematic in some instances as we are an area with no transit services, subject to heavy snowfalls and high reliance on automobiles. In our Township snow is plowed taking up space on front yards and exterior side yards as snow is pushed and not removed to be hauled elsewhere so there needs to be holding capacity on lots and then there is a heavy reliance on automobiles resulting in parking issues with increased number of units per lot on some smaller lots where the vehicles cannot be accommodated. This creates issues for snow removal and with no sidewalks, issues with walking safety due to onstreet parking as cannot fit all the vehicles on the lot in some situations and then this is exacerbated in winter with snow. Removing the ability to provide some minimum standards creates additional safety issues in some municipalities. There needs to be a recognition of some differences in ontario municipalities particularly related to lack of transit, while still enabling ADUs on most properties.
Submitted May 10, 2024 9:38 PM
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Proposed Regulatory Changes under the Planning Act Relating to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185): Removing Barriers for Additional Residential Units
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