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The idea that cancelling a policy set in place to benefit future generations of living things is an extremely selfish thing to do. The lack of forward thinking, or even thinking of more than just yourself is ridiculously short sighted. Read more

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed change. First, I would like to emphasize that the cautionary principle should be use when it comes to protecting the biodiversity of fauna and flora of Ontario. Read more

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There is no room in studying endangered species for economic considerations. Once a species is gone no amount of a money saved by a corporation can bring it back. Ontario - get your priorities in order! It’s foolish to consider money and profitability in this regard. Read more

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Please keep interest's of citizens and NOT business at the top of the list! Do not make changes that will make it easier for developers to bypass these regulations and pave the greenbelt! That was a campaign promise and I expect it to be upheld. Read more

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I urge the Ontario government to not gut the species at risk act. If anything wildlife, their habitat and the environment need more protection, not less. This is a step backwards and not progress. Once a species is gone, it is gone forever. There are somethings money can't buy. Read more

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The best way to improve upon the existing Endangered Species Act is to strengthen the protections already in place for vulnerable species and their ecosystems in Ontario. This means hiring more scientists to assess and review the efficiencies of the legislation on an ongoing basis. Read more

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I wanted to express my concern for the review of the the endangered species act. I find the timing of this interesting due to some concerns that are arrising with my home town of North Bay Ontario and the building of a casino. Read more

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act will have negative consequences to our natural resources. Municipalities demanding less strict guidelines for development proposals that impact wetlands are being short sighted. Read more

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Please ensure that protection for endangered or threatened species remains secure. If anything at all, protection should be increased. All living things are at risk at this time, due to irresponsible human behaviour. Read more

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I would very much like to see the Endangered Species Act improved including more protections for endangered animals before it is too late and we lose many indigenous species. Please consider improving this Act for the benefit and protection of our furred and feathered fellow Canadians.

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Exactly how much notice is the public entitled to? These are scientific decisions based on careful evidence reviewed by experts. The fact that a species is endangered and is in need of protection is not impacted by how the public or businesses feel about it. Read more

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The environment and the species within it should be a top priority of the government. I am not opposed to a review of this legislation, as a means of further protect for the species who are already endangered and for those who are on the tipping point. Read more

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It is imperative that Ontario's endangered species legislation not be weakened in any way. No business interest is more important than our collective interest in preserving our province's biodiversity, and saving species from extinction. Read more