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My major concern, with any of ‘streamlined processes’ is that loop-holes will be created so that big business can get their way. Nothing that this new provincial government does, it ‘for the people’. It’s definitely not for the animals. It’s for big business. Read more

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It is neccisarry to matain biodiversity for the continuing health and wellbeing of everyone that lives in Ontario. Taking protections ways from theses species is short sighted and harmful to our long term biodiversity. Read more

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We as a province should 100% the conservation of sensitive species over “economic development” once lost these species can never be brought back and we are at risk of losing them forever without future generations ever being able to know them. Read more

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Proposed amendments to the ESA are all about weakening the requirements and protections that are currently in place. Again, Ford shows his disdain for any "environmental regulation" that may be seen as an impediment to his developer and business cronies. Read more

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Business interests should have no impact on protections or the removal of protections on endangered species. As artificial constructs that exist at the whim of humans it is the businesses who need to adapt not the species/environment.

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PitSense Niagara Escarpment Group Inc.

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Our Group is very concerned that your review will result an easing of the restrictions pertaining to endangered species that currently apply to licensing of aggregate pits and quarries in Ontario on lands that are often inhabited by species at risk. Read more

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I support increasing the strength and protections embedded within the endangered species act. Of the myriad threats to Ontario's species, the two that concern me most are : economic development impinging into natural spaces, and the pressure rapid climate change is having on ecosystems. Read more

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I am greatly concerned that the discussion paper issued by the government of Ontario will not provide greater protection for species at risk, but will simply make it easier for industry and developers to destroy the habitat for species at risk. Read more