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While I support a conservative stance in government and economic development, I'm also very supportive of protecting and providing safe and suitable habitats throughout Ontario for species at risk and in need of species development throughout the province. Read more

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I am a grandmother who is having trouble trying to convince my grandchildren that there is a future to look forward to. Who would have thought it could ever get to this point of greed that is robing us of everything. Read more

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Let's face it. This proposal is designed to help Ford's well to do friends skirt environmental measures. Like everything Ford does, it's designed to do the most harm possible to any positive measures that came before. Read more

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Do not remove currently listed species from the endangered species act. Continue to protect the habitat of endangered species. Do not allow the premiere’s buddies to build their mansions/resorts/businesses on land that contains endangered species or the habitat of endangered species.

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I want strong protection for Species at Risk in Ontario, which means a prioritization on conserving species at risk and the habitats they depend on through improved implementation of the Endangered Species Act in its current form

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I am very concerned by this proposal. We are at a time when biodiversity loss is increasing, and threats to our ecosystems are continually increasing as well. We need to take action now to prevent further degradation and to actually start to recover from past uses. Read more

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I do not believe the government is putting forward these objectives in good faith. You cannot protect endangered species WITHOUT at some point creating barriers to economic development in order to protect. If your "protected areas" are constantly pushed back then they don't protect. Read more

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To: Province of Ontario - Environment and Species at risk A province as rich and economically stable as Ontario should be at the forefront of environmental protection of our declining species. We should be leading the world in protecting our species at risk, but instead we are a sad failure. Read more

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While I strongly support most of what is written here, as a lifelong Ontario resident I am troubled by the wording of the following: "to look for ways to streamline approvals and provide clarity to support economic development." This wording could suggest creating loopholes that could allow developm Read more

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Many, many years ago, I worked for the (then) Ministry of the Environment. We experienced the decimation of environmental protections, which had taken years and much hard work, to put in place, under the Conservative government of Mike Harris. Read more

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I support increasing the strength and protections embedded within the endangered species act. Of the myriad threats to Ontario's species, the two that concern me most are: economic development impinging into natural spaces, and the pressure rapid climate change is having on ecosystems. Read more