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Re. EBR 013-4143 10th Year Review of Ontario's Endangered Species Act World renowned wildlife scientists predict that since 1970 and by 2020, 2/3 of the world's wildlife will be gone. Ontario is not immune to this. We need wildlife to keep the ecosystem healthy. Read more

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Please do not weaken the Endangered Species Legislation in the name of economic development. These one-time short-term gains are being made at the expense of the long-term health of our province. A small number of people are profiting at the expense of everyone else! Read more

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Endangered species are already facing enough pressures, hence why they are endangered. They need what habitat they have left to be in such condition that it can continue to support them and be resilient in the face of changing conditions, not whittled away for the sake of a few extra GDP dollars. Read more

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This is very important we protect what little we have for future enjoyment and the balance of nature. Whether we are too ignorant to realize it or not we are connected. Stop letting money and greed destroy everything. Stand up and do the right thing government!!!

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Endangering wildlife to help developers make more money is egregious and proves this government is not for the people of Ontario. This is bad for business if this government expects to hold any power beyond their 4 year majority. A 4 year “majority” that 24% of Ontarians decided.

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I'm all in favour of doing what we can to ensure "positive outcomes for species at risk" but the wording of this proposal makes me wonder if positive outcomes for economic development is actually the main purpose. Read more

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All animals need their natural habitats protected!! They have no voice to say hey stop taking away my home! We have to be that voice and not let people take their homes away!! If we do they are going to die or come where we are just to try and find food and a home!! Read more

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I support the OFIA position - a permanent section 55 recognizing equivalency between the ESA and CFSA along with workable species at risk policy under the CFSA, especially for endangered species requirements in an approved FMP. Read more