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Good lord. Trying to get rid of protections to endangered species? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Here’s a hint, you troglodytes, instead of favouring businesses that pollute and pillage resources, why don’t you invest in sustainable business?!!!

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Creating Suburban Sanctuaries Scientists have sounded the alarms that we: Have 12 years to avert climate change catastrophe Are currently experiencing the sixth mass extinction And are in the midst of an insect apocalypse Read more

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The legislation and protections for wildlife species at risk should be strengthened, and exemptions should be rare. We know that many species are near extinction and that once species are extinct there is damage to our ecosystem and that once gone, they cannot be brought back. Read more

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The protection of species at risk is important to me. the change in species listing from threatened to endangered, or special concern to threatened, indicates that for many SAR, even the current habitat protection under the Act is not working, in many cases because of habitat loss. Read more

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The current ESA has been in place for a very good reason: to protect species at risk. In every possibly scenario, the survival and sustainability of healthy ecosystems is more important than business and development opportunities. Read more

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Hello, I implore the Ontario Government not to weaken the Endangered Species Act (the Act) by making revisions to it. Species-at-risk are at risk in large part due to habitat loss and the Act needs to improve habitat protection, not weaken it to development. Read more

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The Ontario economy is already strong. We don't need to do anything environmentally reckless to help the economy. Pitting economic development against environmental sustainability is ridiculous since environmental sustainability is a requirement of economic health. Read more

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Hello, I deal with the ESA daily in the consulting sector in southwestern Ontario, including field research to determine presence/absence of species protected under the ESA through to the crafting of Overall Benefit Permits and their implementation. I have the following comments. Read more

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the ESA review discussion paper. Though I support the stated intent to provide more stringent protections for species at risk, the proposals being considered will not accomplish that goal. Read more

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Question: In what circumstances would a more strategic approach support a proposed activity while also ensuring or improving outcomes for species at risk? (e.g., by using a landscape approach instead of a case-by-case approach, which tends to be species and/or site-specific.) Read more

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The Ford government is continually trying to cause further degradation to our environment and has shown a clear disregard for the environment! The pronvicial govenrment should be ashamed of itself. It’s 2019; at least pretend to be environmentally friendly

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We need to keep protecting our endangered species. They are a vital part of our ecosystem and therefore our economy. It is not in the general interest of Ontarians to scrap or lessen laws regarding protecting these species. They are important and are need to be protected. Read more