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I think it would be more lucrative to have spring bear tag and a fall bear tag season specific and only valid st that time. Making it so hunter has to purchase two tags in one season A lot of states do that for turkey licenses. I also think a second bear tag should be available Read more

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Stop the Bear hunt!! It is cruel and unnecessary!! Along with this are Many reasons already spelled out for you.. there is no benefit to allowing this barbaric hunt other than a cash grab from the government! ( for license) Find another way to grab cash without killing and hurting animals!

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Please do not reinstate the spring black bear hunt. It is cruel as it often leaves orphaned cubs who will then slowly starve to death or become prey. The hunt is not a sport if the bears are lured by food, & when they respond are shot! That is not sport!! Read more

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Read more

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The bears are not normally out of their dens until mid May depending on the year, we have hunted bears in 83 for a couple of years and the end of May is normally when they start coming to bait. No body I know will be purchasing a tag for the first week in May, totally ridiculous!

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This is barbaric! Bears do not make good meat or fur. They should not be killed for “fun” or pleasure. It’s 2020 we should live in harmony with nature. All these men trying to prove their manhood by shooting innocent animals, grow up. We are not cavemen anymore. Read more

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The spring bear hunt is unethical, allowing for lactating female bears to be killed as long as their cubs aren't with them. Cubs are often left alone while their mother goes out to get food, and she is attracted to bait sites as she is hungry since she has been hibernating all winter. Read more