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Why? and how could More! killing be a solution for .. anything? Why can you not just leave what’s left of the natural world.. be? How can you even consider the gross and inhumane killing of other living beings we share this world with? Read more

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Stop this unnecessary killing of innocent, for "sport". Ontario is the worst when it comes to protection of animals and animal welfare laws. With ban on Pitbulls, ag gag laws and now this; you are telling the world that you don't care about the nature, lives and innocent sentient beings. Read more

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There are more people killed by drunk drivers than bears each year! Hunters make these statements because they like killing, just plain killing with no regard to the bear's life on earth! Humans are destroying the earth, NOT the bears. Read more

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Please! Enough killing! We are losing our wildlife by the millions and we are still allowing people to kill more animals. We've taken everything from our wildlife can we at least STOP open season on bears! I as a Canadian citizen in whole heartedly Against this proposal! Read more

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I find it unethical to shoot bears just emerging from hibernation who are weak and hungry. Moreover, they might be leaving cubs behind who will not survive without them. Bears also have low reproductive rates, so the survival of adult females is essential for the survival of the species.

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The killing of bears for trophy hunting is not only unnecessary, but terribly inhumane and cruel. Bear cubs are left without mothers, making it unlikely for survival. With less cubs, the future generations of bears will dwindle away until action is needed to protect this beautiful animals. Read more

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This should not be allowed because bears have emotions and feelings too and it’s horrible to think that us as humans want to go out and kill these beautiful creatures. We should let them be and live there peaceful lives in nature as it should be instead of them running from hunters.