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I do not agree that wild animals should be trapped for these purposes. Even though there are “strict” guidelines, the licenced owners following the rules are surely not being monitored. Read more

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These are unnecessary activities. First they will be trapped in painful leg traps just to be hunted, then kept alive long enough to be sent back out and chased (while injured) until caught by dogs that may rip them apart. Come on. Read more

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It is absolutely disgusting to use trapped wild animals as bait for training. Wildlife is very important in maintaining natural habitat. Leave them alone. They have a hard enough time surviving humans as it is.

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I beg you not to do this. Our ecosystem is in jeopardy and opening this "blood sport" up to allow greater human/dog participation and greater destruction of wildlife is moving in the wrong direction. Read more

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That is animal cruelty at its best. To train animals to kill other animals in a most savage manner - by shredding them apart. How can you even think about that? Unacceptable, totally unacceptable. .

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Penned hunting is not sport. It's animal cruelty and torture. There is no need for this horrific form of animal abuse. We should be protecting our wildlife, not using them as a means of entertainment.

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Why are we taking a step backwards? The idea was to completely phase out this kind of activity. Killing animals by hunting and trapping them for the purpose of sport is despicable. We encroach on their natural habitat with urban sprawl and then call them nuisance wildlife. Read more

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This is an outdated and inhumane practice and should be altogether banned. It would be in all our best interest to put the time, effort and money into providing education on conserving and protecting our wildlife and natural resources. Read more

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I met a very skilled hunter who taught the program to get my PAL. She also breeds dogs for hunting. There is absolutely no need to train hunting dogs via the torture and abuse of wild animals. Torturing and abuse of animals does not align with Ministry roles. Read more

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The previous Conservative government had the right idea; let the sport die. Pitting animals against each other is not acceptable. Most people see this as one step removed from dog-fighting; it's not what Ontario wants. This will cost you votes and gain you nothing.